Diplomacy in Practice by Johan Verbeke

18 October 2022
Egmont Palace, Sax room, rue des Petit Carmes 8 bis , 1000 Brussels
Type of Event
Book launch
Egmont Institute
In his book Ambassador Johan Verbeke introduces the world of diplomacy from a practitioner’s point of view. Rather than listening to what diplomats say they do, the book looks at what they actually do. Diplomacy is thus approached through the lenses of its manifold practices: from political analysis to policy-shaping, from conflict prevention over conflict-management to conflict-resolution. However, the book not only aims at informing or instructing but also, and primarily, wants its readers to critically reflect on diplomacy.
Welcoming words by Pol De Witte, Director General Egmont Institute
Introduction of his book by Ambassador Johan Verbeke
Respondent: Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Egmont Institute & Ghent University
Moderator : Pol De Witte, Director General Egmont Institute
Please register before 14 October.