A Complex Relationship? Examining the AU’s relations with the UN and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Peace and Security Matters

21 February 2020
Egmont Institute, 1000 Brussels
The Egmont Institute has the pleasure to invite you to an Africa Lunch Meeting on 21 February with Ambassador Said Djinnit from the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD).
Drawing on more than 20 years of experience from his work in the Organisation of African Unity (OAU); the African Union (AU) and the UN, with positions such as the OAU Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security and Special Envoy of the UNSRSG for the Great Lakes Region, Ambassador Said Djinnit examines the challenges and the opportunities in the collaboration between the AU, the UN and the REC’s and evaluates the AU’s performance as a central organization in peace and security on the African continent.
(Photo credit: © Egmont Institute)