Beyond the 2020 horizon: Moving towards a common EU energy policy (High-Level Conference in the framework of the project “Energy Transition: A multifaceted Challenge for Europe”)

10 June 2013
Egmont Palace, Brussels
(Photo credit: s-a-m, Flickr)
On the 10th of June 2013, the Development Group and Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations organised a High Level Conference in the framework of a series of five events related to “the multifaceted challenges of the EU energy transition towards a low-carbon economy” held in Brussels this year.
In light of the conclusions of the European Council of May 22nd 2013, the Green Paper on the EU post-2020 energy and climate policy framework released by the European Commission in March 2013, and the EU energy Roadmap released in 2011, this High Level Conference focused on the future of the European energy policy framework, and on what could be the next climate and energy targets for 2030.
After welcoming the 120 participants, Viscount Étienne Davignon, President of the Egmont Institute, started by pointing out the profound modifications in the energy landscape these past years, including the decreasing production of domestic fossil fuels, the significant overcapacity due to the development of renewable energy sources (RES), the difficult integration of RES that impacts security of supply, the decisions of phasing-out nuclear power in some Member States, and the consequences of the shale gas revolution in North America on the global energy markets.
Afterwards, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, summarized the main challenges of a European Energy Policy. He underlined that it will not be easy for the EU to compete in the midst of a global energy revolution. However, the EU can make more out of its energy situation by creating jobs, growth and competitiveness, particularly with green energy. In order to do so, the EU needs to play its cards well as it has no major ‘game changer’ (such as shale gas) compared to some other global actors.
During the first Session on “What are the key challenges and obstacles to the development of a European energy policy: lessons from the 2020 EU energy strategy”, Philip Lowe (Director-General, DG Energy, European Commission), Dr Hans Buenting (CEO, RWE Innogy GmbH), Giovanni Brianza (Head of Strategic Planning/M&A, Edison S.p.A.) and Dr Jayesh Parmar (Partner, Baringa Partners) presented their views and then participated to a vivid debate moderated by Etienne Davignon.
During the second session on “What should be the design of the 2030 EU energy policy framework?”, high level presentations were respectively given by Edouard Sauvage (Member Executive Committee/Director of Strategy, GDF Suez), Reinhard Mitschek (Managing Director, Nabucco Gas Pipeline International), Josche Muth (Secretary General, EREC – the European Renewable Energy Council) and Dr Andreas Goergen(President of Energy Sector in South West Europe, Siemens). Afterwards, a discussion moderated by Sami Andoura (Senior Research Fellow at the Egmont Institute & Notre Europe) took place with all the participants).
Please find here the report as well as the agenda of the High Level Conference (the speakers’ presentations can be downloaded by clicking on their names).
You can access the event’s pictures on Flickr.
Many thanks to our
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and to all further supporters and speakers
You can find the concept note of our series of events related to the multifaceted challenge of the transition towards a low-carbon economy here.