Changing waters: towards a new Asia Strategy

10 May 2016
University Foundation, rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels (room A)
This event explores an overhaul of the EU’s 2001 Asia Strategy, which appears more important than ever in the context of Asian economic growth and the US ‘pivot’, and the possible role that the EU can play therein. The discussion will be based on a presentation of the LSE IDEAS Special Report ‘Changing Waters’.
(Photo credit: GotCredit, Flickr)
16:00: Coffee reception
16:30-18:00: Panel discussion:
-Olivia Gippner, Postdoctoral Fellow on EU-China Relations, Dahrendorf Forum, LSE IDEAS
-Garima Mohan, Research Associate at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Berlin
-Diarmuid Torney, Lecturer in International Relations in the School of Law and Government at Dublin City University
Chair: Thomas Renard, Senior Fellow, Egmont Institute
Registration by Friday 6 May is mandatory.