Electoral dynamics in the DRC: socio-economic and security dimensions

7 June 2016
Egmont Palace
Panel 1: National Dynamics
Chair: Dr. Valerie Arnould (Egmont Institute)
Peter Jones (Global Witness), “Elections and economic malaise: elite deals and dealings”
Jean-Jacques Wondo (Independent Researcher), “The security apparatus in the face of electoral pressures”
Kris Berwouts (Independent researcher), “Social movements, street and e-protests in the electoral period”
Panel 2: Sub-National Dynamics
Chair: Dr. Judith Verweijen (Nordic Africa Institute/Ghent University)
Claude Iguma (Wageningen University), “Votes and violence: the effects of electoral politics on armed mobilization in the east”
Jean Omasombo (Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale), “Decentralization and elections: constituencies and political equilibriums”
Erik Gobbers (Free University Brussels), “The Katanga factor in the upcoming elections”
(Photo credit: © Giampaolo Musumeci, CNCD 11.11.11)