WEBINAR: European perspectives on the NEXUS at the time of COVID-19

7 May 2020
Webinar - Brussels
Join the Norwegian Refugee Council and the Egmont Institute for a High-level exchange: European perspectives on the NEXUS at the time of COVID-19, Thursday 7 of May 2020, at 15h30 (Brussels time).
- Mr. Michael Köhler, Deputy Director General, DG ECHO, European Commission.
- Mrs. Henriette Geiger, Director People and Peace, DG DEVCO, European Commission.
- Mrs. Christine Pirenne, Head of Humanitarian Aid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands.
- Mr. Jan Egeland, Secretary General, Norwegian Refugee Council.
- Dr. Ibrahima Socé Fall, Assistant Director-General, Emergency Response, WHO.
- Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of the European Affairs Program, Egmont Institute.
* Please find here the readout and summary from the discussion, as well as the list of questions that were asked by participants before and throughout the discussion.
* The recording of the entire discussion can be found at this link.
As the international community begins to articulate its response to the COVID-19 crisis, questions emerge on how to address both the immediate challenges as well as the medium- and longer-term issues which characterise the current emergency. Following a first discussion on “the European response to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the delivery of humanitarian aid” (see full discussion here, as well as VOICE’s contribution here), NRC and the Egmont Institute invite you to a High-Level exchange on how to broaden the response addressing notably the socio-economic impact of the crisis in the immediate and longer terms.
The recent launch of the EU Global Response Plan to fight the pandemic provides an excellent platform of reflection and discussion to better understand how the European Union can help in bridging the nexus between the emergency response and the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.
Speakers will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and insights on what should/could be done by the EU to link emergency and longer-term responses in this time of crisis.
Participants will be invited to share their questions and comments in writing, before and during the event. You can either do so on the registration page, or by sending them directly to joachim.giaminardi@nrceurope.be. Some will be put to the panellists during the discussion. The rest will be gathered and made available after the event, together with a read-out of the discussion. The discussion will last 90 minutes.
For logistical reasons, only 500 participants will have direct access to the webinar on Zoom. If you are unable to join the webinar through the Zoom link, a live stream of the discussion will be available on NRC’s Social Media by accessing the page of the event through here. The event will be created in the coming days, so you might not be able to see it immediately.
(Photo credit: Jernej Furman, Flickr)