Exploring the climate finance ecosystem

27 February 2023
Meeting room of the Egmont Institute
Type of Event
Hybrid Expert Roundtable
Egmont Institute
In the run-up to the European Humanitarian Forum taking place in March 2023, DG ECHO is hosting a closed-door expert roundtable on Exploring the Climate Finance Ecosystem. The event will be organised jointly with the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations and held at the Institute’s premises.
According to the UNFCC definition, climate finance comprises local, national, or transnational financing from public, private, and alternative sources that support mitigation and adaptation actions in response to climate change. While, overall, climate finance shows an upward trend, the current increase in funding relates mostly to mitigation while funds to enhance adaptation continue to be insufficient.
Against this background, this roundtable will elaborate concrete recommendations on how climate finance can be systematically streamlined to strengthen resilience to climate shocks.
Specifically, the discussion will focus on how to mobilise resources for adaptation efforts in affected communities, including in conflict and post-conflict settings and through funds for Loss and Damage. The recommendations ensuing from the discussion will be gathered in the concluding part of the roundtable and released in the form of a short outcome paper ahead of the Forum.
The discussion will be held under the Chatham House rule to ensure an open exchange on the subject. The Egmont Institute will cover travel and accommodation costs for all participants. Online participation will be possible for those unable to attend in person
15:30 Introduction
Why should we focus on bridging the adaptation gap
Mark Bennun, Team Leader, Prevention and Preparedness in Humanitarian Aid, DG ECHO,
European Commission
Eleonora Milazzo, Joint Research Fellow, Egmont Institute and European Policy Centre
Edouard Rodier, Associate Fellow, Egmont Institute
15:40 Expert input
Climate finance: the state of play
Zinta Zommers, Climate Science Lead, UN OCHA
Amir Khouzam, Policy Advisor, Policy and Humanitarian Diplomacy Division, ICRC
Marion Reinosa, Climate Advisor, Groupe URD
16:00 Open discussion
What potential additional funding can be mobilised to mainstream climate adaptation
into humanitarian and development programming? And how?
16:50 Coffee break
17:00 Reflection on key takeaways
17:30 End