India in International Politics 1947-2022

4 May 2022
University Foundation, Rue d’Egmont 11, Brussels
Egmont, the Embassy of India, and the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences have the honour of welcoming you at a conference on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence and Belgian-Indian relations.
14.30-14.45 Welcome
Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Egmont Institute & Ghent University
14.45-14.50 Video message
H.E. Smt. Meenakashi Lekhi, Minister of State for External Affairs, Government of India
14.50-15.15 Keynote Speech
“Indian Foreign Policy – Recent Trends”
H.E. Mr. Santosh Jha, Ambassador of India to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union
15.15-16.30 Panel 1: India and Great Power Politics Today
Chair: Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop
- Mr. Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, Senior Fellow for South Asia, International Institute for Strategic Studies
- Ms. Garima Mohan, Fellow, Asia Program, German Marshall Fund
- Prof. Dr. Jonathan Holslag, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
16.30-17.00 Coffee
17.00-18.15 Panel 2: Indian Soft Power – from Culture to Technology
Chair: Bernard Siman OBE, Egmont Institute & Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Mr. Abhinav Kumar, CMO Global Markets, Tata Consultancy Services and Board Member, Europe India Business Council (EIBC)
- Baron Philippe Vlerick, Chairman of the Belgo-Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BICC&I)
- Dr. Tine Vekemans, Ghent University
18.15-18.30 Concluding Remarks
Prof. Dr. Philippe De Maeyer, Permanent Secretary, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences
18.30 Reception
Please register by 29 April (seats are limited).
(Photo credit: Indian embassy)