Launch of the memory book of the 2nd EU – CELAC Academic Summit

14 December 2016
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB campus Etterbeek ("Promotiezaal" D.2.O1, building D), Boulevard de la Plaine 2, 1050 Brussels
The purpose of this event is to present the Memory of the 2nd EU – CELAC Academic Summit held in Brussels on 8 and 9 June 2015. The main objective of this Summit was to stimulate the active contribution from the academic community for building a Euro-Latin American-Caribbean common space for higher education, science, technology and innovation. The 2nd Academic Summit gathered around 500 participants from 300 universities or academic centres from 48 countries. Result of this Summit was that the Heads of State and Government decided to open a specific chapter in their Brussels Declaration and Action Plan, dedicated to strengthen the bi-regional academic cooperation.
The Memory Book, which collects the main outputs and Declarations of the event, was worked out by a few voluntary members of the “Local Organizing Committee – LOC” and of the “Academic Permanent Forum – FAP”. This event points to give more explanation about the momentum of this strategic cooperation both regions need for meeting the new challenges of their sustainable development.
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