Lt. General Dennis Gyllensporre, MINUSMA’s Force Commander


25 November 2022




Meeting room of the Egmont Institute, Rue des Petits Carmes 24A, B-1000 Brussels

Type of Event

Africa Seminar


Egmont Institute

Egmont Institute is pleased to host Dennis Gyllensporre, Associate Professor at the Swedish Defence University and retired Lt General in the Swedish Armed Forces.  Lt. General Gyllensporre will draw on his experience from MINUSMA as both Force Commander and Mediator, with responsibilities as the Président de la Commission technique de sécurité (CTS), and the technical implementation of the Algiers Peace Accord. Based on an ongoing book project on mediation, Lt. General Gyllensporre will share some experiences from this dual-hatted position, reflecting on the DDR process, confidence-building measures, and managing violent breaches of the peace accord.

Please register by 23 November.

Working language: English


Rue des Petits Carmes 24a, Brussels, Belgium

See the itinerary