Lunchtime Book Presentation: The Geoeconomics of Money in the Digital Age by Nicola Bilotta

13 February 2025
Hybrid (Meeting room of the Egmont Institute / Online)
Type of Event
Book presentation
Egmont Institute
The international monetary system mirrors the global geoeconomic power balance. For the past two decades, the decline of the U.S. dollar has been predicted, debated, and challenged, yet the greenback has remained the dominant currency in the international financial system. However, the increasing weaponization of the U.S. dollar and Western-led financial infrastructure, the growing multipolarity in global affairs, and the recent election of Donald Trump—raising concerns about transatlantic cooperation—have made discussions on dollar dependency more pressing than ever.
This conversation raises several critical questions:
- Could the current convergence of financial digitization, resurgent geopolitical tensions, and economic dislocation accelerate the emergence of a new global financial order?
- Might the rise of national Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) advance the de-dollarization goal?
- And to what extent is the digital euro project driven by similar geopolitical ambitions?
To explore these questions, the Egmont Institute is organising a lunchtime discussion on The Geoeconomics of Money in the Digital Age, led by Nicola Bilotta, author of the recently published book on this timely and pressing topic. He will be joined by several experts to discuss key takeaways from the book and offer their perspectives on expected future developments.
If you are interested in joining our hybrid discussion on “The Geoeconomics of Money in the Digital Age”, we kindly invite you to join us on Thursday, 13 February from 11:45 to 14:00.
11:45: Welcoming of participants and registration
12:00-13:30: Lunchtime presentation of key takeaways of the book by the author and experts:
- Nicola Bilotta, EU-SDFA Coordinator & Senior Research Associate, Florence School of Banking and Finance (European University Institute) and Associate Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali, author of The Geoeconomics of Money in the Digital Age.
- Alessandro Giovannini, Adviser to the Programme Manager of the Digital Euro, ECB.
- Maria Demertzis, Leader at ESF, The Conference Board Europe.
13:30-14:00: Q&A session
As lunch will be provided, please do not hesitate to contact Justine Staelens at about any dietary restrictions or questions you may have.
We look forward to your participation in this insightful conversation.