Peace and Governance in Africa: AU and EU, Partners in Multilateralism

22 May 2018
Egmont Palace, 1000 Brussels
The Egmont Institute organises a high-level meeting on 22 May with H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs, and Koen Vervaeke, Managing Director for Africa at the European External Action Service.
The speakers will exchange views on how the African Union and the European Union can mutually reinforce their action to promote sustainable peace and governance in Africa. During the 5th AU-EU Summit, both organisations emphasized their common interest for a strong and mutually beneficial partnership in the spirit of shared ownership, responsibility, reciprocity, respect and mutual accountability and transparency. The AU and EU are committed to a stronger mutual engagement and a more coordinated approach to ensure effective multilateralism, including through stronger AU-EU cooperation at the UN and other international institutions. On the global scene, the multiplication of unilateral measures that have the potential to dangerously weaken the capacity of the international community to respond effectively to the complex challenges it faces is a shared concern of the AU-EU. Therefore, they have agreed on the principle of developing a framework document, aimed at putting their partnership on peace and security on a more solid and structured basis, taking into account the complexity of these threats and the need to address their root causes.
This event is on invitation only.