Good Practices Exchange Forum: examining practices for countering violent extremism and building community resilience

10 November 2016
Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8bis 1000 Brussels
The purpose of the Good Practices Exchange Forum is to bring together key individuals from law enforcement, academia, civil society and practitioners who face from differing perspectives a common challenge: understanding and preventing acts of extremist violence.
Specifically, the Goals and Objectives are:
- To share examples of good practice; expertise and knowledge, including public participation in situational awareness and counterterrorism policies.
- To examine the key challenges currently faced relating to radicalisation, violent extremism and the prevention of terror attacks.
- Explore the specific ways and means through which government and police services facilitate and motivate the public for effective engagement in counterterrorism policies.
- To establish on-going forums in each of the key areas listed above that will allow future engagement.
The forum will comprise key individuals with expertise on CVE including police officials who have led community/police engagement, those focused on dealing with radicalization and those that have helped individuals turn from extremism to becoming moderates.
Panel Overviews:
Panel I: The Importance of Community Policing
The focus of this session is to understand how Community Policing in this new environment of radicalization and violent extremism can greatly benefit from interaction between Police; Communities and other agencies as well as Municipalities.
Panel II: The Question of Identity and Identities
This panel will explore the role identity plays in the pathway to violence and violent extremism, particularly among youth and at-risk communities.
Panel III: Strategic Communication
This panel will examine extremist and terrorist propaganda and messaging in order to assess and build viable and effective counter-narratives, from the content of messaging to the identification and engagement of credible messengers.
Programme :
09:30 Arrival/Registration/Coffee
10:00 Welcome
Thomas Renard, Senior Fellow, Egmont Institute
Opening Remarks
Pierre Thomas, Director, Unit R, Belgium Ministry of Home Affairs
John Farmer, University Professor/Special Advisor to the President, Rutgers State University of New Jersey.
10:15 Panel One: The Importance of Community Policing
Moderator: Paul Goldenberg
(1) Olivier Vanderhaegen, Molenbeek Social Services
(2) Luc Van der Taelen, COPPRA
(3) David Robinson, Commander, Dearborn Police Department (Michigan)
12:15 Lunch/Networking Session
13:00 Panel Two: The Question of Identity and Identities
Moderator: Thomas Renard
(1) Bachar Malki, ULB, Center for Cultural and Social Identity
(2) Mak Chishty, Commander, Metropolitan Police Department (UK)
(3) Patricia Cotti, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology/Psychoanalysis, University of Strasbourg
14:30 Break
14:50 Panel Three: Strategic Communication
Moderator: Saad Amrani, Strategic Advisor to the Commissioner General, Federale Politie
(1) Cherif Al Maliki, Ceapire
(2) Bibi van Ginkel, ICCT
(3) An Michiels, European Strategic Communication Network
16:20 Closing Remarks
John Farmer, University Professor/Special Advisor to the President, Rutgers State University of New Jersey
(Photo credit: Evy Cosemans)