Protecting civilians and mitigating harm: a strategic imperative in West Africa

15 May 2024
Hybrid (Meeting room of the Egmont Institute / Online)
Type of Event
The Egmont Institute and Center for Civilians in Conflict
The political landscape in Africa has been evolving over the last few years, but one issue remains constant – the need to protect civilians and improve their security. This is especially important as civilians are often caught between armed opposition groups, state and multinational defence and security forces, private security companies, and other actors. Vianney Bisimwa, the Africa & Middle East Director at the Center for Civilians in Conflict, will provide an overview of the challenges currently facing civilians in the Sahel, East Africa, and Nigeria. He will also share lessons learned from CIVIC’s work with communities and armed forces across the continent. As European states and institutions shift their focus to the Gulf of Guinea and prepare to support governments and armed forces in the region, it is important that they prioritize the protection of civilians and approach it as a key lens to view their engagement through.
10.00-10.30 Registration and welcome
10.30-10.40 Opening remarks by Prof. Dr. Nina Wilén (Director of the Africa Programme at the Egmont Institute)
10.40-11.30 Panel discussion with Vianney Bisimwa (Africa & Middle East Director at CIVIC)
11.30-11.55 Q&A
11.55-12.00 Closing remarks by Prof. Dr. Nina Wilén (Director of the Africa Programme at the Egmont Institute)
(Photo credit: Fred Marie, Flickr)