Specialization course on child protection

14 November 2011
Egmont Palace, Brussels
Egmont is one of the 12 members part of the ENTRI (European New Training Initiative) framework, an EU funded project linked to the EU Training Policy. It is co-organising together with the ASPR (Austria) training institute, a specialization course on Child Protection in the field of CSDP and UN missions. The course aims at addressing the legal context as well as the issues linked to structural and direct violence concerning children. It will also examine elements with regard to the implementation of policies aiming to protect children’s rights both at political and judicial level. This EU course, delivered by trainers from both institutes, is given to EU civilians that have either been nominated for a CSDP or UN mission by their Member States or already selected for a mission (restricted audience).
(Photo crédit: htdpcar, Flickr)