The ESS@10: Revisiting the European Security Strategy 2003-2013

10 December 2013
The European Security Strategy (ESS) is a milestone in the development of European strategic thought – need it be its terminus?
To mark the 10th anniversary of its adoption by the European Council (on 12 December 2003) the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU, the EU Institute for Security Studies, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University, and the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations have joined efforts to organise an international conference.
Key practitioners and expert academics will both look back, assessing the impact and implementation of the ESS, and forward, addressing the on-going debate about revisiting the Strategy.
On the eve of a European Council meeting where, in the words of President Herman Van Rompuy “the state of defence in Europe” will be on the agenda, and as the electoral platforms for next year’s European elections are being drafted, the 10th anniversary is a fitting occasion to address “the state of strategy in Europe”.
(Photo credit: openDemocracy – adapted photo, Flickr)