The EU as a Security Provider

5 November 2014
University Foundation, 11 Rue d’Egmont – Brussels
University Foundation, Brussels
The European Union is faced with security challenges and risks outside and inside Europe. Recent events around the rise of the Islamic State have once more proven that external and internal security are interwoven. Yet, strategies, institutions and capacities for external and internal security remain separated. The juridical and institutional divide between the external and internal security actors hinders closer cooperation and integration. On the other hand practical cooperation between communitarian and intergovernmental institutions and agencies is growing. This raises questions about how the different actors can operate in a more integrated way in the future in order to enhance the EU in its role as a security provider.
The Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’, in cooperation with the Egmont Institute, organises an afternoon seminar on the theme “The EU as a Security Provider” on Wednesday 5 November in Brussels. The seminar will consist of two parts. The first part will be dedicated to the broad scope of the EU as a security provider and deal with issues related to what security the EU has to provide (external-internal); integrated strategy/policy; comprehensive crisis management; and the changing relationship between institutional actors and with member states. The second panel will address the impact on the defence sector with a particular focus on the consequences of the EU’s widening security, dual-use and civil-military capacities, and the relations in the triangle Commission/European Defence Agency/member states.
A detailed programme of the seminar is attached. At the seminar Chatham House rule will aplly. After registration participants will receive a Clingendael position paper which will provide food-for-thought for discussion at the seminar.
For the programme, click here.
View the report.
(Photo credit: motiqua, Flickr)