The EU’s response to Ukrainian refugees three months on

3 June 2022
Zoom meeting
Type of Event
Online Policy Dialogue
Egmont Institute, EPC and Institut Jacques Delors
Precisely three months after the activation of the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive (TPD), this online Policy Dialogue will take stock of its implementation and reflect on possible future developments in the EU’s response to refugee flows from Ukraine. Two high-level panels will assess if and how Ukrainian refugees have been able to access the rights provided by the TPD and the progress made on the coordinated response envisaged by the European Commission in its 10-Point Plan. Panellists will also discuss whether the TPD has managed to promote a balance of efforts between member states in receiving Ukrainian refugees, and what European policymakers can learn from enabling people in search of protection to move freely across the EU.
Panel 1 – State of Play on the Temporary Protection Directive
10h Welcome Remarks
Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of European Affairs, Egmont Institute (moderator)
10h05 Panel Discussion
Harlem Désir, Senior Vice President, Europe, International Rescue Committee
Catherine Woollard, Director, ECRE
Sophie Magennis, Head of Policy and Legal Support, UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs
Agnieszka Kosowicz, President of the board, Polish Migration Forum
10h45 Question & Answer Session
11h10 Closing Remarks
Eleonora Milazzo, Associate Fellow, Egmont Institute
11h15 – 11h30 Break
Panel 2 – The EU’s long-term response
11h30 Welcome Remarks
Marie De Somer, Head of Migration and Diversity, European Policy Centre (moderator)
11h35 Panel Discussion
Giulio Di Blasi, Member of Cabinet, Cabinet of European Commissioner for Home Affairs
Nina Gregori, Executive Director, EU Agency for Asylum
Clemence Olsina, Director for Asylum at the French Ministry of Interior
Fabienne Keller, Renew member of the European Parliament , member of the LIBE Committee
12h15 Question & Answer Session
12h40 Closing Remarks
Jérôme Vignon, Advisor, Jacques Delors Institute
12h45 End
Please register by 31 May.
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