Think-Tank Platform National Security

3 February 2022
Egmont Palace
On 1 December 2021, the National Security Council adopted Belgium’s first National Security Strategy (NSS).
During the drafting process, Egmont, at the request of the Strategic Committee for Intelligence and Security, organised three in-person consultation meetings, with experts from the academic, business, and NGO communities. In cooperation with Athena, the alumni association of the Higher Studies in Security and Defence (or “4th cycle”), Egmont also organised an online outreach event for participants from the Belgian security community in the largest sense.
In order to capitalise on the strong interest manifested by colleagues in all of these communities, Egmont and Athena launch the Think-Tank Platform National Security.
The objective of the Platform is two-fold:
- To maintain commitment from the academic, business, and NGO communities to the elaboration and implementation of an effective NSS.
- To generate substantial input from them to that end, to the benefit of the Prime Minister’s Office, Foreign Affairs, and the other entities represented in the Strategic Committee.
14.00-14.15 Welcome & introduction by Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop (Egmont & Ghent University)
14.15-14.45 Keynote Speech by Mr Peter Moors
14.45-15.30 Discussion chaired by Ir Yvan De Mesmaeker (Athena & ECSA)
15.30-15.45 Closing remarks by Ambassador Koen Vervaeke (Chair of the NSS Drafting Committee) and Prof. Dr. Nina Wilén (Egmont & Lund University)
Working languages: Dutch & French
COVID Safe Ticket required