Towards a humane refugee policy for the European Union


10 October 2023


17.00 -19.00


Hybrid: meeting room of the Egmont Institute (24A, Rue des Petits Carmes, 1000 Brussels) and online

Type of Event

Book presentation


The Egmont Institute and FEPS

As displacement and human suffering bring people to the borders of Europe, the European Union’s core values are being tested by the pressing challenge of providing protection to those fleeing conflict, persecution, and hardship. In a time when the Russian invasion of Ukraine triggers additional displacement in the continent, humanitarian needs once again intersect with politics.

Discover proposals to reconciliate these needs and policies as Gesine Schwan, member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and academic, and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), unveil “Towards a humane refugee policy for the European Union”. This innovative handbook suggests a humane approach to receiving refugees in Europe based on the strengthening of the role of municipalities and their civil society in the relocation and reception of people in need of protection.

This presentation will be moderated by Peter Bosch, Senior Associate Fellow at Egmont, and feature the presence of the author of the handbook and the following panellists.

  • Helena Hahn, Policy Analyst, European Migration and Diversity, European Policy Centre
  • Jasmijn Slootjes, Associate Director with MPI Europe
  • Udo Bullmann, MEP, S&D Group, Germany

Kindly register by Friday 6 October stating your presence to join the meeting in person or online.