What kind of climate diplomacy for the EU?

30 November 2020
The European Affairs Programme at the Egmont Institute has the pleasure to invite you to a webinar on What kind of climate diplomacy for the EU?
In the context of the European Green Deal, the EU is determined to assume global leadership to tackle the climate challenge, strengthening bilateral and multilateral engagement on climate action with partner countries and regional organizations. Following the call of the December 2019 European Council to “pay particular attention to climate policy”, the Council called in January 2020 on the Commission, High Representative, and Member States to work jointly and urgently towards a strategic approach to Climate Diplomacy. This webinar will explore how such a climate diplomacy can raise global ambition to tackle the climate challenge and contribute to the EU’s objective of a climate-neutral EU by 2050, in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, and how it relates with the EU’s Green Deal policies.
The webinar will discuss in particular:
- The state of play of the EU’s climate diplomacy and its key challenges
- They key objectives, instruments and regional and multilateral fora for the EU’s climate diplomacy
- The integration of the EU’s Green Deal and climate objectives and in all EU external policies (e.g. trade, energy, industry, transport)
- The coordination between the different EU institutions and Member States with regard to the implementation of the EU’s climate diplomacy
- Marc Vanheukelen, ‘Hors Classe’ Adviser and Ambassador at Large for Climate Diplomacy (EEAS)
- Christian de Lannoy, Director Climate & Environment at the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Development Cooperation
- François Roux, Senior Advisor on European Affairs at Egmont
The working language will be English.
Participants should register by 27 November AT NOON!
The Zoom Webinar – link will be sent at a later date.
Watch the replay of the webinar
(Photo credit: Pixabay)