Call for Papers “CLOSING THE GAP”
As part of the European Cyber Diplomacy Initiative, the EU Cyber Direct project, Egmont Institute, and the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in partnership with other research institutions organise an international conference for scholars, policy analysts and practitioners working on cyberrelated issues. The conference will bring together about 40 researchers from around the world, out of which up to 30 will be selected on the basis of extended abstracts. In addition, government officials and private sector representatives will be invited. In total, we expect about 80 participants.
We invite academics, researchers, and policy analysts to submit their cutting-edge research work on cyber-related topics, including, but not limited to:
- Responsible state behaviour in cyberspace;
- International cooperation against cybercrime;
- International law and stability in cyberspace;
- Comparative analysis of national or regional approaches to build cyber resilience;
- New technologies and cybersecurity.
We are particularly interested in paper proposals which approach the field in ‘out of the box’ ways and critically engage with existing policies and frameworks in a constructive, imaginative, and substantively well-informed manner. The conference organisers will then assign the selected paper proposals into concrete panels.Process and timeline
Process and timeline
On the basis of the submissions, the conference organisers will issue the invitations to selected
researchers who are expected to deliver the draft papers at the conference. The submission should
A page with basic personal information (First and last name, date of birth, country of origin,
address, institutional affiliation, contact information)
The extended abstracts (between 250 and 500 words) including:
– Definition of problem and research objectives;
-Questions that the paper addresses;
-Initial (or expected) research results;
-Conclusions and/or policy recommendations.
The abstracts and personal information should be sent by email to by 28 February 2020.