Studia Diplomatica
Call for Papers
Submission & Stylesheet
Subscription 2014: can only be sent by e-mail to Academia Press.
Since 1948, EGMONT – Royal Institute for International Relations (in former days IRRI-KIIB) has published Studia Diplomatica, a scientific and independent journal (known before as: Chronique de politique étrangère).
From 2011 onwards, it is published and distributed by Academia Press (Ghent) on behalf of Egmont, which now cooperates with Clingendael – Netherlands Institute of International Relations (The Hague).
Studia Diplomatica is a fully peer-reviewed journal. Under its new subtitle, The Brussels Journal of International Relations, starting with Volume 2006, a revamped Studia Diplomatica aims to offer a quarterly platform to the dynamic Brussels research and policy scene, bringing together insights and expertise from academics, think tanks and practitioners around the globe.
It aims at providing background information for debate on and the state of Belgian research on: issues concerning Belgian foreign policy with a certain priority to the European integration, the role of the EU as global actor, multilateralism and the UN, the issues about security and the Great Lakes Region (Central Africa). It goes without saying that other subjects of contemporary international politics are also covered.