
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LIII, Issue 3 (2000): L’organisation internationale de la Francophonie

I. PRÉFACE, Françoise Massart-Piérard -Redimensionnement des relations internationales et francophonie, Françoise Massart-Piérard II. FORUM -Algérie et francophonie: le poids du passé, Amine Aït-Chaalal & Valérie-Barbara Rosoux -L’engagement de l’Egypte dans […]


The Future of Aid in Africa

On invitation only

This seminar will discuss scenarios on future levels of aid flows in sub-Saharan Africa, and their relation to rapid population growth, economic growth, and poverty reduction. It will also discuss […]

African Futures: Horizon 2015

On invitation only

The Egmont Institute and the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) have the pleasure to invite you to the launch of the report ‘African Futures: Horizon 2025′. The report reflects […]