Lunch Briefing on (Maritime) Security in the Arctic with Commander Rachael Gosnell, U.S. Navy

10 October 2024
Meeting room of the Egmont Institute, Rue des Petits Carmes 24A, B-1000 Brussels
Type of Event
Egmont Institute
The Egmont Institute is pleased to invite you to a lunchtime briefing on (Maritime) Security in the Arctic with Ms. Rachael Gosnell, Commander at the U.S. Navy. CDR Gosnell is a European Foreign Area Officer and Navy strategist, with academic and operational expertise in maritime security, strategy, and the High North region. In June 2023, she joined the George C. Marshall – European Center for Security Studies as a Military Professor. During her presentation, CDR Gosnell will touch upon topics such as the evolving security environment in the High North, focusing on the emerging Sino-Russian partnership, NATO enlargement, and relevant geostrategic, economic, technological and climate drivers. After the presentation, the floor will be opened for discussion with the participants.
Please note that the event will take place in person.
(Photo credit: Hubert Neufeld, Unsplash)