Since the beginning of October 2018 and as part of its partnership with the National Administrative School of the Democratic Republic of Congo (ENA RD Congo), the Education & Training Programme is proud to support the fifth promotion “Fleuve Congo” of students.
This support consists of organising nearly 30 short courses (2 to 6 days) to be delivered at the ENA in Kinshasa by a series of external experts. These experts come from Belgian federal public services, cooperation agencies such as Enabel, international organisations (World Bank, EU) as well as universities and think tanks. These courses are part of the initial training of the students, who follow a total of four main teaching units throughout the year: “Integration”, “Management”, “Territories” and “Contemporary issues”.
Courses organised in 2018-2019:
- L’approche fragilité et la gestion des risques by François Kieffer, Deputy Permanent Representative, Belgian Development Agency Enabel DR Congo
- Santé publique by Patrick Van Dessel, Health Programme Coordinator, ATI Programme d’Appui au Niveau Central – PANC, and Loïc Aubry, PANC Project leader, Belgian Development Agency Enabel DR Congo
- Emploi, formation, insertion by Luc Demeester, Sector Expert for Education, Training and Employment, Belgian Development Agency Enabel DR Congo
- Partenariats publics/privés by Luc Demeester, Sector Expert for Education, Training and Employment, Belgian Development Agency Enabel DR Congo
- Ecriture efficace et professionnelle by Christian Lause, Trainer in Written Communication
- Action internationale des collectivités territoriales by David Hacquin, Governance expert, Belgian Development Agency Enabel DR Congo
- Management public by Michael Lamhasni, Deputy General Administrator at Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI)
- Training of Trainers (ToT) and “Intervision” (Peer-review and self-assessment) by Marie-Sophie Noël, Coach, Trainer and Project Manager, and Philippe Bégué, Learning Solution Manager and Account Manager, Belgian Ministry of Policy and Support
- Restitution des stages by Yves Berteau, Head of the Evaluation Department, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Elaboration de contrats d’administration by Yves Berteau, Head of the Evaluation Department, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Créativité administrative by Stephen Boucher, Founder of Dreamocracy
- Leadership by Pierre de Lovinfosse, Coach and trainer, EFFATA Coaching services
- Regional integration by Guillaume Manjolo
- Enjeux du numérique dans l’administration publique by Frank Leyman, Manager International Relations, Belgian Ministry of Policy and Support
- Décentralisation by Bob Kabamba, Professor of Political Science at the University of Liège (Belgium)
More courses to follow !
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