High Studies in Security and Defense


The High Studies in Security and Defence, organised jointly with Belgium’s Royal Defence College, offer multidisciplinary training based on a holistic view of security and meant for a multisectoral public (foreign affairs, development cooperation, defence, academia, NGOs, police, justice, industry, political circles, etc.).
These are structured around:
-10 monthly residential seminars of two days, each focussing on a specific issue;
-10 visits to Belgian institutions active in the field of security and defence.
The aim of the Higher Studies in Security and Defence is to better equip officials from various security and defense sectors and to increase staff performance thanks to the regular academic training.

Read about ATHENA, the Alumni Association of the Graduates from the High Studies in Security & Defence.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Director Higher Studies in Security and Defence.


Upcoming Session 2019-2020


  • “High Studies for Security and Defence” session 2019-2020:More information about these seminars and about the selection process, read the brochure: EnglishFrenchDutch.