
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LVI: Issue 5 (2003): Les conséquences micro-économiques de l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne – De micro-economische gevolgen van de uitbreiding van de Europese Unie

Introduction : Sylvain Plasschaert -Chap. 1. Perceptions relatives à l’élargissement de l’Union européenne, René Patesson et Pascale Steinberg -Chap. 2. De toetredingsroute van de nieuwe lidstaten, Sylvain Plasschaert -Chap. 3. […]


The future of the Benelux Defence Cooperation

On invitation only

This report is based on input for a seminar on Benelux Defence Cooperation which took place on 9 April 2013 in Brussels. The seminar was jointly organized by the Egmont […]

Climate change and food security

Human usage of fossil fuels has become the main cause of climate change over the last 50 years. The resulting warming of the Earth’s surface, the changes in the hydrological […]