Vol. LIV, Issue 3 (2001)

-The Commission’s propositions for the enlargement negotiations on agriculture, structural funds and the budget: an analysis, Franklin Dehousse and Wouter Coussens
-La restructuration des forces armées belges: de la fin de la guerre froide au plan stratégique 2015, André Dumoulin
-Reflections on religion-politics interaction in the Arab and Muslim world the Christian minorities in the near east, Theodoros G. Koutroubas
-Failing to act like a “civilian power”: the European union’s policy towards Cyprus and turkey (1974-2000), Stelios Stavridis
-De Europese unie, de Baltische staten en Rusland: een complexe driehoeksrelatie, Peter Van Elsuwege
Notices bibliographiques – boekaankondigingen