Jean-Louis De Brouwer
Jean-Louis De Brouwer is Director of the European Affairs Programme at the Egmont Institute. He joined the Institute in October 2019, after retiring from the European Commission where, as a director, he was successively in charge of immigration, asylum, visas and border policies (DG Justice and Home Affairs), the implementation of the EU2020 agenda and employment policies (DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion) and humanitarian aid operations and policies (DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations).
He holds a Masters Degree in Law, Sociology and Public Administration/International Relations from the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). Before joining the European Commission, he held different positions in the Belgian civil service (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs) and was Director General of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences.
He teaches Public Law, Political Science and EU Politics at the Saint Louis University of Brussels (USL-B) and the Catholic University of Mons (FUCAM). He is a lecturer in International Relations Theories and on "An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice" respectively at the UCL and the USL-B. He is also in charge of a course on Immigration and Humanitarian Policy at the College of Europe of the Parma University.
- Belgium’s Council Presidency: Reviewing a Remarkably Stimulating Six Months External publications
- Election Day Dilemma: Immigration’s Role in Shaping European Politics Commentaries
- Belgium: If the Enlargement Process Is Broken, Then Fix It External publications
- The Future of European Humanitarian Aid Commentaries
- A Pact: So What? Commentaries
- Is Governing Migration a Utopia? European Policy Briefs
- Navigating Uncertainty: The European Union’s Migration Policy and the Future of Temporary Protection Commentaries
- EU Migration Policy: another Groundhog Day? Commentaries
- Temporary Protection: a momentary lapse of reason Commentaries
- Migration Policy On Autopilot Commentaries
- Droit d’asile et libre circulation: Deux principes européens inséparables External publications
- Challenges and priorities of the EU’s response to the situation in Afghanistan European Policy Briefs
- Introductory speeches at the colloquium on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on human rights External publications
- Towards cutting-edge European humanitarian leadership European Policy Briefs
- New pact on migration: a balanced proposal to be further enhanced External publications
- From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0: Towards a new European consensus on migration External publications