Vol. LXI, Issue 3 (2008): The European security strategy 2003-2008: review and implementation

Editorial, Sven Biscop
– Framing the European strategic debate, Giovanni Grevi
– Revisiting the ESS – Beyond 2008, and beyond ESDP, Antonio Missiroli
– Listen to the generals? Military strategy in European crisis response operations, Alexander Mattelaer
– The future of EU military operations and capabilities, Daniel Keohane
– European neighbourhood policy – Selling the brand strategically, Roland Dannreuther
– Regional leaders in the twenty-first century: a walk through the issues, Alyson JK Bailes
– The EU, China and Africa: global governance through functional multilateralism, Uwe Wissenbach
– Is Washington ready for the “equal partnership”? Kennedy’s legacy for transatlantic relations, Youri Devuyst
– A small power under the blue helmet. The evolution of Belgian peacekeeping policy, Michel Liégeois and Galia Glume.