Vol. LXVI, Issue 3 (2013): Variable geometry union: how differentiated integration is shaping the EU

- EU economic affairs,
- EU institutional affairs,
- EU strategy and foreign policy,
- Internal EU policies,
In this issue of Studia Diplomatica, variable geometry Union is discussed from various angles, stretching from economic and monetary integration to defence and the area of freedom, security and justice. While each policy field has its specific dynamics, the underlying differentiation in the level of integration of Member States shows several similar characteristics. These similarities could be indicative of the direction that differentiated integration will take in future. At the same time, the case studies provide valuable lessons as how (not) to organise a variable geometry Union.
You can read the preface here. For subscriptions, please contact Academia Press (http://www.academiapress.be/contacts).
- Preface by Philippe de Schoutheete
- Beginners guide to differentiated integration by Stijn Verhelst
- Economic and monetary integration by Stijn Verhelst
- Justice and home affairs by Therese Blanchet
- Foreign policy by Steven Blockmans
- Defence by Sven Biscop
- Enhanced Cooperation by Bernd Martenczuk
- Institutional issues by Alberto De Gregorio
- Conclusion by Marc Lepoivre & Stijn Verhelst