
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LVI: Issue 5 (2003): Les conséquences micro-économiques de l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne – De micro-economische gevolgen van de uitbreiding van de Europese Unie

Introduction : Sylvain Plasschaert -Chap. 1. Perceptions relatives à l’élargissement de l’Union européenne, René Patesson et Pascale Steinberg -Chap. 2. De toetredingsroute van de nieuwe lidstaten, Sylvain Plasschaert -Chap. 3. […]


The Arctic: Eldorado or Curse?

On invitation only

This expert seminar examined the opportunities which climate change could offer to mankind in the Arctic. Actually, it appears that most of them remain illusory for the time being either […]

The changing role of the rotating EU presidency

On invitation only

Round table with Amb. Rory Montgomery, Perm. Rep. of Ireland to the EU and Willem Van de Voorde, Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The […]

Youth & Europe Programme

On invitation only

The awareness-raising programme about the European integration desigend by Egmont for 17-19 year old pupils (last year of secondary school) and is geared towards the specific need for accurate information […]