Vol. LXVI, Issue 2 (2013): A strategic anniversary: The European security strategy

Introduction, A strategic anniversary, by Sven Biscop
- “The good, the bad and the ugly”, three visions for European defence beyond austerity, by Giovanni Faleg and Manuel Muniz
- How security strategies can harm our interests, by Barend ter Haar
- The EU internal security strategy, Towards a more coherent approach to EU security? by Raphael Bossong and Mark Rhinard
- More strategists, less strategy. The case for a European defense university , by Tamir Libel
- Human security strategy for Europe. Left-overs and propsects ten years later, by Ana Isabel Xavier
- The power relationship between the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, by Manuel Schmitz
- Understanding the conflict in Syria. Some key questions, by Joris Couvreur
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