
Security Policy Briefs

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Why the BRICS Summit in Kazan should be a Wake-up Call for the EU

This policy brief examines the growing influence of the BRICS in a multipolar world, as highlighted by their recent summit in Kazan, Russia, and the challenges to effective global multilateralism. […]


Speakers’ Corner

On invitation only

In 2022 the University Foundation started a series of panel debates In its new “Speakers’ Corner” series, which will give the floor to British speakers and speakers from EU on UK-EU affairs. […]

Open Strategic Autonomy in the EU

The Egmont Institute is pleased and honoured to welcome you to an afternoon seminar on strategic foresight and open strategic autonomy in the European Union. The event, originally scheduled to […]

Virtual webinar event on Strategic Foresight with Professor Gaby Umbach

The Egmont Institute is pleased and honoured to welcome as its guest speaker Part-time Professor Gaby Umbach (Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies/European University Institute, Florence, Italy), whose keynote presentation will centre around the activities of the […]