The Fate of constitutional Treaty
When confronted with a situation that is both critical and complex it is generally advisable to go back to basics. Now that precisely such a situation has arisen in the […]
When confronted with a situation that is both critical and complex it is generally advisable to go back to basics. Now that precisely such a situation has arisen in the […]
External publications
View the PPT. (Photo credit: Slugger O’Toole, Flickr)
Everybody is talking about the lack of leadership in the European Union. Blair’s or Chirac’s declarations are read as mere tactical moves designed to gain leadership. Barroso is often presented […]
La réponse à la question de l’avenir du traité constitutionnel est différente selon qu’on envisage la situation à court terme ou à moyen terme. A court terme l’Europe se trouve […]
Certaines questions juridiques liées aux négociations menées actuellement au sein de l’OMC et du Programme de Doha pour le Développement (DDA- Doha Development Agenda) sont discutées au sein de l’Union. […]
Pessimistic comments are crowding the media about the failure of the Lisbon strategy. At the end of 2004, the latest report of the Kok group has emphasized “the failure of […]