External publications
South Kivu: Identity, territory, and power in the eastern Congo
RVI Usalama Project, London, 2013. Publication of Koen Vlassenroot. (Photo credit: EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, Flickr)
External publications
RVI Usalama Project, London, 2013. Publication of Koen Vlassenroot. (Photo credit: EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, Flickr)
This briefing is a revised version of the note ‘Land Issues and Conflict in Eastern DRC’, prepared for the DRC Affinity Group and published by the Social Science Research Council. […]
in MO, 6 May 2013. Toen de rebellengroep M23 eind 2012 Goma en enkele omliggende steden en gemeenten innam, gingen internationaal alle alarmsignalen af. En toen de leider van M23, […]
External publications
Integrating into the urban landscape, the humanitarian sector has contributed to various processes of transformation in Goma. While creating new opportunities, their presence has reinforced patterns of conflict and competition […]
External publications
In the aftermath of an armed conflict in Africa, the international community both produces and demands from local partners a variety of blueprints for reconstructing state and society. The aim […]
External publications
An analysis of the current political developments in the DRC. The electoral process of 2011 was a clear indication of the fragile nature of the Congolese state,where progress in stabilisation […]