
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LIII, Issue 3 (2000): L’organisation internationale de la Francophonie

I. PRÉFACE, Françoise Massart-Piérard -Redimensionnement des relations internationales et francophonie, Françoise Massart-Piérard II. FORUM -Algérie et francophonie: le poids du passé, Amine Aït-Chaalal & Valérie-Barbara Rosoux -L’engagement de l’Egypte dans […]


A conversation with Jin Liqun, President of the AIIB

Bruegel and the Egmont Institute host a conversation with Jin Liqun, the president of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a multilateral development bank with a mission to improve social and […]

American Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump

In the first of a series on grand strategy, Egmont has the pleasure of inviting you to an evening conference with Professor Hal Brands, Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of […]

50th Anniversary of the Harmel Report

On invitation only

The “Harmel Report” was adopted by the NATO Allies in December 1967. It took into account developments in the international environment and considered how the Alliance could become a contributor […]