Why America needs European Strategy
An indispensable (though not in itself sufficient) condition for any Atlantic Alliance capability project to work is that the United States contributes, with money, personnel, and equipment. Then the European […]
An indispensable (though not in itself sufficient) condition for any Atlantic Alliance capability project to work is that the United States contributes, with money, personnel, and equipment. Then the European […]
External publications
La consolidation de l’Union européenne en tant qu’acteur régional sur la scène internationale se réalise dans un contexte mondial mouvant: celui de la montée en puissance de la Chine, de […]
Studia Diplomatica
– The European Security System Revisited: EU-Russia relations, Margriet Drent – The European Security System as seen from Moscow, Dmitry Danilov – German-Russian relations. A Pan-European mission as national interest, […]
The core idea of the European Union’s (EU) foreign policy is that lasting peace and stability can only exist where governments guarantee their citizens security, prosperity, freedom, and equality. Where […]
Can Europeans have global impact in a multipolar age?’. This snapshot examines the rise of ‘strategic partnerships’, the ‘Grand Area’ and the connexion between the two. It argues that through […]
Who are the EU’s strategic partners? What is the purpose of these partnerships? This paper offers a critical assessment of EU strategic partnerships. [This article is in Russian. It was […]