
External publications

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The Commission proposal on reforming the Generalised Scheme of Tariff Preferences: analysis of human rights incentives and conditionalities

This study looks at the European Commission’s proposal for a new GSP Regulation from human rights and sustainable development perspectives. It focuses on proposed changes to the conditionality provisions with […]


Conference “Schengen: Quo vadis?”

The Odysseus Academic Network organises with the Universities of Leiden, Konstanz and Brussels a Conference «Schengen: Quo Vadis?» on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 June 2023 in Brussels. This conference will […]

Speakers’ Corner

On invitation only

In 2022 the University Foundation started a series of panel debates In its new “Speakers’ Corner” series, which will give the floor to British speakers and speakers from EU on UK-EU affairs. […]