Benedetta Arrighini

Trainee Ph.D. Fellow

European Union Law; European Criminal Law; EU External Action; International Law


Benedetta Arrighini is a trainee fellow under the GEM Diamond Program. She is a third-year Marie Sklodowska Curie Action PhD student in International and European Law. She is pursuing a triple PhD at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Fundacao Getullio Vargas Direito Rio de Janeiro and Luiss Rome. Her PhD project concerns ‘Cooperation in criminal matters and the rule of law: from comparative regionalism to interregional relations between the EU and Mercosur’. Starting from the increasing dissensus over the rule of law and liberal democracy, she inquires the complex relations with cooperation in criminal matters, focusing on the regional orders and cooperation mechanisms of surrenders and transfer of evidence in criminal trials.

She holds a master’s in law from the University of Trento (magna cum laude) and an L.L.M from the College of Europe, Bruges. She is a qualified lawyer in Italy.

Her interests concern EU law, EU criminal law, and the EU External Action.
